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Even though I don’t have a television or subscribe to cable or any other entertainment site, I do occasionally watch movies from my DVD or digital collection.

I get in a zone when I watch a movie. I can block out the world around me. I pay particular attention to every nuance, background scene, clothing, body language, sets, and, of course, the words of the characters.

I watched Star Trek, Into Darkness, again recently. If you like a fast-paced movie, this is good (though nowhere near as fast as the first one).

During the mayhem towards the end of the movie, Captain Kirk and Spock are in a heated exchange about how to save the Enterprise from eminent destruction.

Kirk: “I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. I only know what I can do.”

I paused it, rewound it, then ran through it again.

How appropriate, I thought. Of course, I thought of the greater implications of this statement. Not just for a task, but for a life.

Credit: vjeran2001 on freeimages.com

    Credit: vjeran2001 on freeimages.com

I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who knew exactly what they were supposed to be doing with their life. Yet a lot of these same people do so much, their lives filled with all sorts of activities of the heart.

They are just “doing,” and they are doing just fine.

Instead of beating ourselves up because we can’t find what it is we’re supposed to be doing with our lives, why not lessen the pressure, the burden, and just do what we can do, what we’re capable of doing right now.

If you feel like you’re supposed to save the world but you don’t have Rupert Murdoch’s cash, just volunteer at your local soup kitchen and help feed someone. Visit a long-term care facility and make someone’s day brighter.

Say a kind word to a supposed “enemy.”

Smile when you don’t feel like it.

The list of what you can do, I’m sure you’ll agree, is endless.

Maybe, through all this doing, you’ll discover what it is you’re supposed to do.

And just maybe you’ll find, in the words from another movie, that “You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, and you’re exactly who you’re supposed to be.” *


* Hit & Run, 2013