
Hello, and welcome.

I’m Michael Genford and live in the great state of Maine (U.S.); the southern part, to be more specific.


My aim with this blog is to write about subjects that are positive; subjects that can make a positive impact on all our lives, not only emotionally, but physically as well.

Among other things, writing is therapeutic. Reading is enlightening. And I absolutely love reading all the wonderful blogs that are “out” there.

I’m a student of mental science. I fully believe that thoughts are things and that we create our own reality. I also believe we are all connected as one: people, animals, nature, even the entire universe. We share one another’s joy. We share one another’s pain.

If you’re visiting and have a blog, please let me know about it in the comments (or send a message). I’d love to visit it.

Be well and fill your days with peacefulness and joy.



30 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Michael. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.


  2. Hi Michael thank you for the blog following, delighted to be following your blog also. Clarabelle


  3. Thank you so much for the follow. It means a lot to me 🙂 🙂
    Thanks again


  4. Thanks for the follow on Sacred Self. I enjoyed reading several of your posts. Good work! Marie


  5. MRS N, the Author said:

    Thank you for following my blog Princess of the Light and I hope it brings you some Light to help guide you. Good luck on your journey and I look forward to your blog posts. 🙂


  6. Hi Michael, many thanks for visiting my blog. I appreciated your kind comment too 🙂 I must admit that mental science sounds intriguing; I think I will have to indulge my curiosity of the subject here at your blog! Thanks again, Bex


  7. MRS N, the Author said:

    I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award and you can read about it here: http://princessofthelight.wordpress.com/2013/11/23/sunshine-award-2nd-nomination/


  8. Hello Michael, Thank you for dropping by my blog Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary. Being Positive creates well-being.. Thank you for your positive Feed back about my Blog..
    Wishing you and yours Yuletide Blessings


  9. Hi Michael — I enjoy reading positive blogs too, and find it very uplifting to do so regularly. This year I’ve resolved to discover and comment on a new one daily, keeping a list on my own site for reference. Yours is today’s entry — thanks for sharing your joy and positivity!


  10. HI Michael, so nice to discover your blog and see these positive quotes. With everything going on in the world and personal struggles some of my dear friends are going through it’s nice to read something positive. I’ve just started listening to Pema Chodron (again!) in my car on the way to work. Nice way to start the day. Thanks!


  11. Very inspiring blog, congratulations! I specially liked the post about flipping a coin… it’s so true! Even though sometimes we do know what we want but we are scared about it… Thanks for sending us positive thoughts 🙂


  12. cherylfoston said:

    Hi Michael, Thanks, again for continue to read my blog. I love what you are all about and if I’ve said that before, then I really must mean it. 🙂 Keep putting out all that positive energy, because we all can use it. Have a great positive week my friend. 🙂


  13. Hagen Reedy said:

    Beautiful blog, Michael. I will be looking forward to your posts!


  14. Hello Micheal, what an uplifting and positive and inspiring blog I have found today. Well, if you would like a few uplifting positive and inspiring words from me, feel free to visit my blog. 😀 I recently wrote a poem called “A Poem’s worth”.


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